Getting Into The Space
Getting into the food processing industry can be a daunting task and that’s something we here at the Grove want to make easier for you and your business.
Step 1
The first thing you need is to have a business number. If you have one fantastic! If you don’t and need help with getting one we can put you in touch with the London Small Business Centre which is a great non-profit resource that is there to help you succeed.
Step 2
The second step is to confirm you have insurance for the space. If you already have insurance then contact your supplier and have them include the following on your insurance.
Site being insured: 900 King St. London, Ontario, N5W 2X7
Insured parties: Your business, The Corporation Of The City Of London, Western Fair Association
You have 2 million dollars in liability insurance
If all of that seemed confusing to you then don't hesitate to get in touch with us at the Grove or talk to someone at the London Small Business Centre. It’s a relatively easy process to get liability insurance and we can walk you through that.
Step 3
Just a few more steps and we will have you up-to-standard as a legal food processor!
The next item on the list is a food handling certificate. This can be obtained from the London Training Centre.
Step 4
Now that we have all of that information on hand we can have you enter a booking into our system.
This is all done online via our booking portal, but if you have any issues with this please reach out and contact us.
Step 5
Now that you have made a booking the Health Unit need to be informed that you are producing on-site; this is a legal requirement in the City Of London.
Fill out the form below and send it to inspections@mlhu.on.ca
Complete - All Set for Success!
With these five steps completed, you have all the needed documents to be a legal food processor in the City Of London! We can now help you grow your business and get more training and business connections from our partners. We are a not-for-profit and your success is our success. Should you have any questions on anything listed above or any items that weren’t please let us know.