
Classroom activities & lessons that will help you learn about agriculture!

Canadian Agriculture

What are some of the main agricultural products grown in each province? Use these lessons and activities to show what grows where in Canada!


Food Labels

What are the labels on your food you buy at the grocery store? What do they mean? This lesson explains all this and the activities help with identifying each logo.


Parts Of A Plant

There are six key parts of the plant. Each part has an important role in keeping the plant alive and growing. This lesson and activity helps students to identify and understand what each part does.


Food Supply Chain

Test your students knowledge on what they have learned about the supply chain with the Agri-Food Experience. This lesson also includes a Kahoot game.


Origami Game

Learn apple trivia with this fun origami game!


Apple Taste Test & Food Review

Students are introduced to the concept of “tasting like a chef,” meaning they will learn the importance of tasting food to identify flavours and textures. Tasting is a culinary skill that is often overlooked but is a crucial part of every chef's tool box. Students will take it one step further to identify and describe foods using objective language as opposed to subjective opinion-based language.

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